Using Daily Notes in Evernote

Amanda Mae
3 min readAug 13, 2024
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

For many years, I have liked to have a kind of “running thoughts” daily journal that’s not particularly organized. I’ve used physical notebooks for this, but I’m much better with this as a digital option. The Twos app is FABULOUS for this exact thing and I highly recommend it. However, Evernote continues to make improvements, and that’s been my primary notetaking app (on and off, granted) for a decade. I have thousands of notes, and since it’s a legacy product, other apps easily work with it.

So I was REALLY intrigued when I started hearing a month or two back that Evernote was going to release a Daily Notes feature! Would this replace my practice of adding things to Twos?

The Daily Note, once enabled, automatically populates every day. Right now, you choose between one of three templates from Evernote. I don’t particularly like any of them, so I created my own Daily Note template and at the start of my day I delete the Evernote template and insert my own. Hopefully that changes in future so it populates how I want it to.

What I really need is to have an easy blank space to write down my random observations or recommendations. A place to park a piece of information and hopefully search for it later if I need. Most of the time just writing down the thing is enough for me to feel better, even if I don’t find it relevant later. Evernote has a…



Amanda Mae

Amanda Mae is a librarian who has lived in too many states and enjoys anything involving books, history, and productivity.